Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers/laying hens/quails
KOMBI — 100% completed feed for poultry of appropriate species/physiological period, does not require additional enrichment or balancing with other components.
It consists of vegetable, animal and biologically active components according to the established formulation KOMBI feeds contain:
cereal group, bran, protein group/ DYVO PMVS, feed concentrates AAVMFC, powdered milk, minerals in the form of Calcium P, special mineral mixtures, antioxidants
Compound feed KOMBI does NOT contain: antibiotics, hormones, artificial synthetic sweeteners and flavorings.
We have specially developed Compound feed for all types of Broilers/laying hens/quails:
Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers 1-3 weeks
Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers 3-6 weeks
Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers 6 weeks +
Compound feed KOMBI for laying hens chicks 1-8 weeks
Compound feed KOMBI for young laying hens 8-17 weeks
Compound feed KOMBI for laying hens 23 weeks+
Compound feed KOMBI Quail 1-7 days
Compound feed quail 7-28 days
Compound feed KOMBI quail 28 days +
Look through our assortment we also produce сompound feed for livestock, fish, ducklings, gooselings, turkeys, pigs, sows, horses, rabbits, laboratory animals, snail, feed additives and so on.
Delivery by all means of transport. Feel free to contact us and discuss all price and delivery issues.